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Silk Road Tour 2023

In progress 🙂 Follow the link and be updated about where we are!

Previous Trails


Saigon - Hanoi 2018

When the idea of driving 2,000 km with motorcycle in Vietnam’s mountainous inland was launched, the first reflection was that we probably were too old for such crazy things. But now, with hindsight, yes it was an adventure, but it was far more straightforward than we had imagined. The roads were good, the traffic in the mountains was mostly non-existent and locals were fantastically friendly and helpful. Amazing nature, the world’s largest caves, good food and interesting history didn’t make things any worse. So if you’re thinking about making a similar trip, the answer is: Just go!

Come what may 🙂

G IndiaNepal_7_5

India - Nepal 2015

A travel to India requires a whole lot of patience and flexibility regarding the itinerary and still you will find your self wondering if it´s a vacation or a penalty to be there. One of our toughest trips but also one that we would do again.  

Whit no exaggeration, India have everything that you love with travel and also everything you hate😊


Taj Mahal is the most fabulous place ever!


Indonesia - 2013

Coming soon…


Cambodia - Vietnam 2011

The first trip together started in Saigon and continued to Cambodia’s sacred temples of Angkor, the capital Pnom Penh and then on down the Mekong River back to Vietnam and their largest island Phu Quoc. New Year’s celebrations in Saigon as the grand finale.


Upp på hästen igen..

Nu har det gått 5 veckor sedan jag råkade ut för en ofrivillig markkontakt med nyckelbensfraktur som resultat. Axeln har inte riktigt samma form som

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Silk Road 2023

20230910 Craiova

Det blir en hotellnatt i Rumänien . Gränsövergången Turkiet/Bulgarien tog > 4 tim! Det var nästan en fars att få tulltjänstemännen att förstå att vi

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Silk Road 2023

20230908 Istanbul

Besök på Topkapi sista dagen i Istanbul. Palatset är som en mindre stad och det skulle nog ta en hel vecka att verkligen se allting.

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Silk Road 2023

20230907 Istanbul

En dag som turist i Istanbul renderade nästan 30 000 steg! Hagia Sofia och Cisterna Basilica gjorde dock det värt besväret 😊 Basilica Cisterna är

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Silk Road 2023

20230906 Istanbul

Det blev 45 mil för att komma hit och dessa avslutades med kaostrafik i Istanbul. Nåja, visst var det kaos, men det var ändå inte

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Silk Road 2023

20230905 Amasra

Idag blev det 30 mil på krokväg! I stort sett hela tiden med Svarta Havet på ena sidan😊 Riktigt nice väg även fast 30 mil

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Previous Routes On A Map