Crossing The Baltic Sea – Day 2

Waking up in the dark at 04:00 and tear down the tent and then a short drive thru the dark forrest is like a average tuesday morning. Or not…

The ferry from mainland Åland to Torsholma
This is what happens when you get up to early

The amazing scenic road from Torsholma (maybe 15 km) to the next ferry were zigzaging thru a lot of smal islands and was a pleasure to drive. Sadly we had to keep the speed up so we didn’t miss the ferry.

It took two bigger ferrys (and a couple of smaller ones) to ger from Åland to mainland Finland. Easy done in one day but if you want to take it chill and make some landscaping and maybe enjoy the nature I recomend a more relaxed timetable.

So far so good. Why not go to Estonia? Said and done we promted in Tallinn in the GPS…

Somewhere outside Ingå, Finland

As the aim for the trip was testing the motorbikes for the upcoming BIG adventure we needed to feel how it was to drive some longer distances so we mainly passed by Finland without any stops. Well, we found a nice curvy road along a pretty nice lake, perfect for a short break.

As anticipated big roads are boring (even in Finland) when you drive a 411cc motorbike with 24 hp but the smaller ones make up to it:) Todays wisdom call was; proper ear plugs is essential when driving on the freeway for more than 60 minutes, regardless if you trying to down out the background noice with Spotify…

Helsinki port

We arrived quite late in Tallinn so we headed for a place to set up camp wich of course wasn’t as straight forward as aspected. The perfect camping site with a beach, restaurant and bars that Mr Google promised us was so easy to find wasn’t even close to be easy to find. And when we finally found it the entire place was occupied for a company party. Badly for them 🙂 they didn’t want us to join the party..

Camping spot in Tsitre, Estonia

After some local guidance and some bad road advices from Google, we finally found a camping site. The mosquito infested clearing wasn’t exactly what we had hoped for but when found the beach 200 meters from the site we agreed that it was perfect🙂

Did you know that there are jellyfishes in the Baltic sea? I didn’t…

Beer and out for today!

Tsitre, Estonia
Tsitre, Estonia
Tsitre, Estonia

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